Have your heard that direct mail is dead? Or dying? Well, hold on a minute. Every spring, Impact partners with Howard...
Insight Articles
Go Get That DAF Money!
While the official estimates vary by source, Americans currently have about $300 billion sitting in Donor Advised Fund...
Mastering Mid-Level Messaging
It’s not a secret. By combining major gifts and direct response strategies, mid-level messaging deeply engages...
Wiser Words: To “Empower” Is Dangerous
“The notion of empowerment presumes that the organization has the power and benevolently ladles some of it into the...
Don’t Follow Donations with Silence
During the 2022 Nonprofit Technology Conference, Patty Breech, Founder and CEO of The Purpose Collective led an...
Building Cross-Channel Relationships
Data continues to show that multi-channel donors are the most valuable. They give larger amounts and more frequently...
Promoting CGAs doesn’t cost a lot
The lingering economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have left many people feeling less secure about the future. If...
Continued Challenges Ahead for Direct Mail Fundraising
What is H.R. 9495? If passed, this bill would give the Treasury Department the power to revoke a non-profits’...
PSA: Are Apple’s New Privacy Protections Messing With Your Email Metrics?
In September, Apple launched new privacy protections for its Mail app that may be making it harder to measure the...
The Power of a Buckslip: How a Tiny Piece of Paper Can Pay Big Dividends
Ok, let’s begin with the key question … what the heck is a buckslip? In the direct marketing world, it’s what we call...
Write Like A 6th Grader – Simple and Bold
If donors have to work hard to understand your message, they will likely stop reading. And when donors stop reading,...
Stewardship! Stewardship! Stewardship!
Many social good organizations had a great fundraising year in 2020 and are doing well so far in 2021. Why? Many,...