Insight Articles

Yes, Direct Mail Really Can Get You Large Gifts

Have your heard that direct mail is dead? Or dying? Well, hold on a minute. Every spring, Impact partners with Howard University on their Howard University Alumni Association Emergency Scholarship Fund campaign. Each year, we interview a recent alumnus who received...

Go Get That DAF Money!

While the official estimates vary by source, Americans currently have about $300 billion sitting in Donor Advised Fund (DAF) accounts. To put that amount in perspective, it is as much as GDP of the entire country of South Africa, could cover a Harvard education for...

Mastering Mid-Level Messaging

It’s not a secret. By combining major gifts and direct response strategies, mid-level messaging deeply engages non-profit donors to foster stronger relationships and increased revenue for your organization. Here are the key principles for crafting personalized and...
Go Get That DAF Money!

Go Get That DAF Money!

While the official estimates vary by source, Americans currently have about $300 billion sitting in Donor Advised Fund...