Welcome Pete Dohan, Senior Fundraising Client Manager


By Kathy Swayze

April 26, 2022

Welcome Pete Dohan, Senior Fundraising Client Manager

Pete loves fundraising so it’s fitting that his first day as a new member of the Impact team was Valentine’s Day.  He caught the fundraising bug in college when he served as a “Dragon Dialer” (coolest title ever) at SUNY Cortland. There even is a plaque with his name on it in call center commemorating his achievement of raising the most money in a semester.

His passion for politics led Pete to Washington, DC. He joined the National Foundation for Cancer Research, where he served as a mid-level gift officer and raised funds for special projects including the Lucy Fund for Metastatic Cancer Research. He then joined the LGBT Chamber of Commerce as the Affiliate Chamber Program Manager, where he helped local LGBT Chambers around the country build programs to connect local LGBT businesses in their community.

Most recently, Pete managed the Legacy Giving program at People For the American Way and loved working with donors who are passionate about protecting our democracy. Pete understands the challenges our clients face because he’s been in their shoes and he is already proving to be a great partner for some of our planned giving clients including the Alzheimer’s Association, Conservation International, EMILY’s List and the National Park Foundation.

When he’s not working, you’ll probably find Pete cooking up a fabulous meal, playing Overwatch, or exploring the town with his dog, Tracer. We are thrilled to have this enthusiastic fundraiser and dragon dialer on our team.

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