Nonprofit Articles

Eight Manageable Steps to Major Gift Officer Success

I was pleased to attend the session, Maximizing Major Gift Officer Success: Strategies for Relationship Management. Taught by Meredith Terrain, Founder & Principal, The Allied Group, the session was such a great reminder to major gift officers that our jobs are...

How to Get the Best Stories: Talk to People!

Often the question goes something like this: “Everyone is so busy. Do we really need to talk to the program team? They are so busy. Can’t you just use the background materials?” Those of you who have worked with Impact over the years can probably guess my answer. No!...

2023 Giving Tuesday

Giving back is an amazing feeling! Especially this year, with so many people around the world struggling, Impact is proud to continue our tradition of making a donation in the name of every member of our staff. Each Impact team member has selected a nonprofit...
Fool Me Once. . .

Fool Me Once. . .

It’s tax time and they’re at it again. Direct marketers who send mailings that look just like the important tax...

Great Donor Letter Opening Lines

Great Donor Letter Opening Lines

What if reading this blog post would save your life? See, we told you that opening lines were important! Although our...