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8 Ways to Ace 2025
There is a lot of sobering news in the social impact sector as we wind down 2024. Donor numbers are down, we’re seeing...

Eight Manageable Steps to Major Gift Officer Success
I was pleased to attend the session, Maximizing Major Gift Officer Success: Strategies for Relationship Management....

The Growth of Donor Advised Funds
Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) are charitable giving accounts established by financial institutions (such as Fidelity,...
Go Get That DAF Money!
While the official estimates vary by source, Americans currently have about $300 billion sitting in Donor Advised Fund...
Planned Giving Benchmarks
We invite you to participate in a survey focused on planned giving. We’re surveying planned giving professionals...
Mastering Mid-Level Messaging
It’s not a secret. By combining major gifts and direct response strategies, mid-level messaging deeply engages...
Insights from Planned Giving Day
Three members of the Impact team had the chance to attend Planned Giving Day last month. Sponsored by the National...
Fundraisers – Don’t Panic!
The numbers are in from the Fundraising Effectiveness Project and there are concerning data points to be sure....
Making an IMPACT on Climate
The evidence is mounting and undeniable – unless we act quickly and aggressively to curb greenhouse gas emissions,...
Planned Giving Tips – Secure 2.0 Act / Higher CGA Rates
Charitable Gift Annuities (CGAs) are an attractive and valuable way for donors to support the causes they care deeply...
7 Insights from the Nonprofit Fundraisers Symposium
I had the good fortune to attend the Nonprofit Fundraisers Symposium last month in Washington, DC. If I had one word...
Content Creation with A DEI Lens
As we work to create a world with more seats at the table, (and maybe even a different table), how do we as content...