Three members of the Impact team had the chance to attend Planned Giving Day last month. Sponsored by the National...
Insight Articles
Fundraisers – Don’t Panic!
The numbers are in from the Fundraising Effectiveness Project and there are concerning data points to be sure....
7 Insights from the Nonprofit Fundraisers Symposium
I had the good fortune to attend the Nonprofit Fundraisers Symposium last month in Washington, DC. If I had one word...
The Power of Multichannel Marketing to Increase Giving
It’s no secret digital giving is on the rise—especially after a year with a pandemic and slowed mail delivery. But...
Using Artificial Intelligence in Fundraising
Whenever I attend a conference, I try to pick the sessions with topics I know almost little about. It sometimes leaves...
How to Use Social Media & Digital Strategies to Build Community and Drive Donations
During the Bridge conference, I enjoyed the session, How to Use Social Media & Digital Strategies to Build...
Digital Marketing for Planned Giving
Do you still have people in your organization who think planned giving is only for older donors . . . and that “old...
Love Your Donors: The Phil Psych Way
“The magic in communication happens when you use the same words donors use to describe themselves, so they begin to...
Keep Your Direct Mail Package on Schedule
Mail dates matter in direct mail fundraising. As our leader, Kathy Swayze always reminds us, every day a package is...
Midlevel Trends in a Post-COVID Landscape
Sea Change Strategies recently published their report The Missing Middle: Part III to look back at how mid-level...
Put Your Donors First
Donors want to know they’re needed. Giving is a generous act and it makes them feel good, but knowing they have a...
Your Donation Page Matters
If someone is visiting your donation page, it’s usually not by chance. Ensure your site is fully optimized, branded,...