Gift Planning Articles

Getting to Know All About You: Survey Success for People For the American Way

When we ask questions, we learn more information. As fundraisers, we work hard to understand our donors and what motivates them to donate. Surveys are a wonderful tool to learn more about your donors while also increasing engagement and response. In addition to...

Like Chocolate and Peanut Butter Some Things Are Better Together

Some things just go together well . . . like chocolate and peanut butter. And now, Congress is poised to bring together two powerful charitable gift types into one gigantic win for charitable fundraising. The IRA rollover gift, often called a Qualified Charitable...

Interviewing With Empathy: How To Reduce Triggering Trauma

The past two and a half years have been exceptionally difficult for everyone. Think about your own experience – where were you in March 2020? What plans did you have? Where did you live? What job did you have? Who was in your life? The COVID-19 pandemic has changed...