Archive Highlights Articles

I’m a Darren Walker groupie. Why you should be too.

Ok, I’ll admit it. I follow him on Twitter. Am subscribed to his YouTube channel and generally devour his writings. His book, From Generosity to Justice:  A New Gospel of Wealth is in the queue. I am a Darren Walker groupie. Here’s why. As you likely know, Walker is...

Preparing for Year End in a Strange World

It’s that time of year again . . . time to plan your year end fundraising campaigns. But this year, there’s a twist. We’re in the midst of a global pandemic that has already claimed nearly 180,000 U.S. lives. Many of your donors have been socially distancing at home...

The Next Big Thing

Everyone is talking about “blended gifts” these days. It’s like the intermittent fasting of the fundraising world. It will solve all your problems! It will help you live forever! Well…it just might do that. Yes, many gift officers have been working with donors on...
8 Tips for Better Copy in 2020

8 Tips for Better Copy in 2020

Last fall, Kathy Swayze, CFRE and Barry Cox hosted a Copy Clinic for the Direct Marketing Association of Washington...

Partners in Excellence

Partners in Excellence

The mid-level giving program at World Wildlife Fund is called Partners in Conservation. Impact has had the honor to...

Does Better Copy Really Matter?

Does Better Copy Really Matter?

I’ve been writing fundraising copy for 30 years. So, I think you can tell already how I am going to answer this...