Uncategorized Articles

Now Hiring: Director of Client Services

Impact is seeking a Director of Client Services, a vital leadership role in our small but mighty fundraising communications firm. They will lead our client managers, writers, and client coordinators in developing strategy and creative for multi-channel direct response...


"The next time you write a new thing, delight in the rolls and wrinkles of your infant words. Celebrate those tottering first steps. Give that squirmy first draft space to change and grow in ways you hadn’t planned when the idea twinkled in your mind’s eye. What...

Welcome Pete Dohan, Senior Fundraising Client Manager

Welcome Pete Dohan, Senior Fundraising Client Manager Pete loves fundraising so it’s fitting that his first day as a new member of the Impact team was Valentine’s Day.  He caught the fundraising bug in college when he served as a “Dragon Dialer” (coolest title ever)...


"The next time you write a new thing, delight in the rolls and wrinkles of your infant words. Celebrate those...



“Read a thousand books, and your words will flow like a river.” ― Lisa See



“I believe myself that a good writer doesn’t really need to be told anything except to keep at it.” — Chinua...



"There are no dull subjects. There are only dull writers".   -H.L. Mencken          ...



“In every day, there are 1,440 minutes. That means we have 1,440 daily opportunities to make a positive impact.” -Les...



“Wealth comes from somewhere and in America, it has come at the expense of people of color.”  -Viven Trinh, Oregon...



"You know, we are a community of storytellers, aren't we? And in turbulent, crisis-torn times like these, storytelling...

Holiday Baking … Yum!!!

Holiday Baking … Yum!!!

Our clients are so creative—not just when it comes to fundraising, but also in the kitchen. If you’re looking for...

Howard University Seeks Justice

Howard University Seeks Justice

We are so proud to work with Howard University as they lead the charge for real change. Howard has deep-seated roots...