Archive Highlights Articles

Three Magic Words to Improve Your Appeals

Want to make your fundraising appeals even stronger? Add three simple words to the mix: YOU, BECAUSE, and THANKS. (Don’t use all caps, of course. That’s for emphasis here, and there’s no need to shout at your donors.) Our friends over at The Modern Nonprofit compiled...

Tactical Tips: Those Frustrating PDF files

We’re a Mac office at Impact, so if you’re working from a PC, this may not be the tip for you. But when you’re in that particular circle of hell otherwise known as trying to modify a PDF file, Mac users should know there’s a secret little program already installed on...

Is the Copy Approval Process Sapping Your Soul?

“The strongest desire is neither love nor hate. It is one person’s need to change another person’s copy.” – Gilbert Cranberg, Columbia Journalism Review I’ve noticed a trend in direct mail schedules over the past couple of years—earlier and earlier initial due dates...
Don’t Go Dark on Your Donors

Don’t Go Dark on Your Donors

We are all in uncharted territory. To be fair, the decisions are coming at a rapid pace for many organizations. But we...

What To Do With Handraisers?

What To Do With Handraisers?

I know I am not the only planned gift officer who has been frustrated by this: you have an excellent response to some...

Industry Happenings

Industry Happenings

Find Impact Communications’ Team Members at these Upcoming Conferences: March 24 – March 26: Nonprofit Technology...