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“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” -Martin Luther King Jr.

"Don't sit down and wait for the opportunities to come. Get up and make them." -Madam C. J. Walker

“No black woman writer in this culture can write "too much". Indeed, no woman writer can write "too much"...No woman...
Acting Quickly Pays Stewardship Dividend . . . and dollars
In early November, 2019 the American Council on Gift Annuities announced lower recommended CGA rates that would take...
Partners in Excellence
The mid-level giving program at World Wildlife Fund is called Partners in Conservation. Impact has had the honor to...
Self-identity, gender, and pronouns: Using validating language in your copy
Nonprofits often want to empower those they serve — even with the words they put on the page. Our client ACLU, for...
Does Better Copy Really Matter?
I’ve been writing fundraising copy for 30 years. So, I think you can tell already how I am going to answer this...
Show Your Donors You Care during the Holiday Season
The months leading up to the holidays and the end of the year are some of the busiest times at nonprofits. You are...
Combating the Philanthropic Downturn
2019 has a lot of catching up to do, fundraising-wise. Indeed, the 2019 Third Quarter Fundraising Report from the...
Celebrating #GivingTuesday 2019
It’s time once again for one of the Impact team’s most treasured traditions. Each member of our staff selected a...
Just Say No
That was the advice from University of Oregon Foundation’s Jeff Comfort at the National Capital Gift Planning...
Let’s Ask More of Philanthropy
Tomorrow, our greater Washington, DC community will come together to celebrate National Philanthropy Day. It’s a day...