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“I believe myself that a good writer doesn’t really need to be told anything except to keep at it.” — Chinua...
What’s Your Donor’s Story?
Stories, stories, stories. As a rule, even the organizations with the most cerebral and intellectually motivated...
Technological Innovation is Not Always Social Progress
Fundraisers gathered around their computer screens once more last week for the annual Nonprofit Technology Conference....
"There are no dull subjects. There are only dull writers". -H.L. Mencken ...
Equity Forward: Who’s the Hero in Your Fundraising Story?
We’ve written (and will continue to write) about some words and phrases that continue to marginalize certain groups....
“In every day, there are 1,440 minutes. That means we have 1,440 daily opportunities to make a positive impact.” -Les...
If You Don’t Ask, You Won’t Get
One of the biggest rules in fundraising is that you won’t raise money if you don’t ask. But it’s important to make...
“Wealth comes from somewhere and in America, it has come at the expense of people of color.” -Viven Trinh, Oregon...
"You know, we are a community of storytellers, aren't we? And in turbulent, crisis-torn times like these, storytelling...