I’ll admit, it had been awhile since I stopped by the Red Cross to donate blood. But when I got this package in the mail, it didn’t just remind me to schedule a donation—it reminded me of some important direct mail techniques.
Here’s the package, followed by four reasons why it’s effective:

Why this package works:
1) Urgency: There’s no beating around the bush when it comes to the need: “There simply aren’t enough people donating blood…doctors must make difficult decisions.” “Who would you choose?”
2) Personalization: I’m a past donor, so they don’t just know my name and address, they know my blood type—and tell me why they need it: “Your type O negative blood is especially critical to patient care. O negative blood is the type doctors reach for in emergencies when there just isn’t enough time to test a patient’s blood type.” I feel so special, you guys!
3) Demonstrated impact: They provide three short sample stories representing real situations patients face that call for blood transfusions. The accompanying photos feature eye contact, always good for provoking an emotional connection.
4) Clear call to action: “Schedule a blood donation.” Done!
The week before Halloween, I finally got around to donating. (No vampires were present!) Thanks to the Red Cross for the chance to feel good about giving back—and for the creative inspiration!
-Julie Price, CFRE
Spooky photo credit:ℒaura Tou Used under a Creative Commons (CC-BY-2.0) license