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2024 Giving Tuesday

This year, as so many people around the world face challenges, Impact is honored to continue our tradition of making #GivingTuesday donations in honor of our hardworking staff. Each Impact team member has chosen a nonprofit organization to receive their #GivingTuesday...

Take Action today to Protect Nonprofits

What is H.R. 9495? If passed, this bill would give the Treasury Department the power to revoke a non-profit’s tax-exempt status simply by labeling them a “terrorist supporting” organization. There would be no due process, no evidence, and no accountability required......

Using Direct Marketing to Grow Your Planned Giving Pipeline 

In 2022, bequests made up 9% of charitable giving, totaling $45.6 billion. By the year 2060, an estimated $84 trillion dollars will be transferred from estates. But planned gifts don’t just happen, you have to ask for them. You don’t need a big budget to get started...


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing...

Impact at The Copy Clinic

Impact at The Copy Clinic

The October year-end appeal season is one of the busiest times of the year for fundraising professionals. But it all...

Fool Me Once. . .

Fool Me Once. . .

It’s tax time and they’re at it again. Direct marketers who send mailings that look just like the important tax...

Communications is NOT Overhead

Communications is NOT Overhead

If you work for a social impact organization, chances are your work involves moving people to action, enacting public...